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E’sense Tea is a tea boutique exclusively selling exquisite Chinese tea, tea ware & tea gifts. 【 戀茶軼事】全心專營精品中國茶、茶器、茶禮。 【 Our Values 】 Tea is the essence from the earth and blessing from the Heaven. In quietness, we are able to sense the goodness of tea in different ways. Quality tea is the combination of tea safety and tasty. Tea was found to be medicine since our ancient time & it could refresh, re-energize & heal our body and mind. Tea in the city is valuable & worthy for us to pursue. Well-being starts from oneself. Gifts that give meaning, tea is for wishes of good health and an expression of caring. The best time to send a Gift is “Present”. 【信念】 相信:茶是出自大地的精華,亦是天上賜下來的祝福。茶需要我們親自感受她各樣的美、各樣的好。 堅持:為大家守著一道安心的茶、好喝的茶。 親自:跑茶山、訪茶農、挑茶品鑑、檢查試茶、設計包裝, 專業認真。 了解:茶對身體的好處,願藉此祝福大家身、心、靈得安康。 用心:預備每款茶禮,為您表達對親人摯友的愛與關懷,送上健康和喜悅的祝願。 明白:都市裡嚐一盞茶,有時像偷來般珍貴。 願為生命打拼的您效力、打氣、獎勵、寵愛自己。 茶為人而生,茶為人放香。戀茶者,惜人軼事也。 戀戀茶情,願每段軼事甜香。
